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Posts from the ‘Introduction’ Category

Becoming Free and Empowered To Fulfill Our Best Possibilities

Throughout the years of my search for the truth, I did not feel shame when I asked dumb questions, as long as I uttered them with humility.  I may have been naïve and did not know what I did not know, but at least I would try to pursue knowledge without my ego driving the process and without illusion being its cornerstone. Occasionally, I would be called “too idealistic.”  I eventually found that amusing. I began perceiving others who were content with the status quo, as being lazy, fearful, or simply unable to imagine a better alternative.  It wasn’t that I needed them to agree with me.  Instead, I wished they would enter the debate, think more critically and holistically, and strive to realize what is possible and noble for us and for our society.

During my life’s journey, I did not realize that being able to see the social process from both sides of the looking glass would give me an advantage in my personal life, in business, and what was to become a transcendent journey through the “the mazeway.”

I define “the mazeway” as you, me, and everyone else, functioning within the social process on this planet, situated in an infinite universe – a puzzle within a puzzle within a puzzle. No maps or instruction manuals come with the puzzles. Instead, we are surrounded by many individuals and institutions that offer their perspective about how the world works or ought to work, and how we should model our lives. Unfortunately, those perspectives have largely failed their promise and have led to humankind’s highly problematic existence.

That is, as societies, we are challenged by a wide range of serious problems, including but not limited to: antiquated systems of education, environmental degradation, dysfunctional systems of government, corruption, inadequate healthcare programs, social injustice, poverty, disease, war, terrorism, overpopulation, and cultural lag. 

The problems confronting us are so pervasive that it made me wonder about the future of humankind. That is, will we survive the test of time or become just another failed civilization? 

That wondering led me to a profound insight regarding how we can begin to deal with humankind’s highly problematic existence, and increase the chances of becoming free and empowered to fulfill our best possibilities as individuals, as societies, and as a species.

Welcome to The Mazeway Project. My name is Tony Parrotto. This initiative is based on my book, NAVIGATING THE MAZEWAY: Fulfilling Our Best Possibilities As Individuals and As a Society.

S U G G E S T E D  N E X T : The Basic Cause of Humankind’s Highly Problematic Existence

The Basic Cause of Humankind’s Highly Problematic Existence

Being concerned for the state of our planet and humankind’s condition led me to these observations:

  1. The most precious asset we possess as human beings is our consciousness. How it is shaped, how we are oriented on this planet largely determines the outcome of our life’s journey.
  2. Unfortunately, we are not informed or it is not emphasized that we are programmable beings whose orientation is shaped by programs encoded on our consciousness by prevailing institutions around which we happen to be situated – schools, governments, religions, families, etc. As such, an orientation is imposed on us, rather than consciously chosen by us.
  3. Furthermore, we are not encouraged to question the programs advanced by prevailing institutions. Instead, we are encouraged to be faithful to their programs and assume that humankind’s highly problematic existence is either unchangeable or caused by the faulty orientation of others, rather than consider the possibility that the orientation imposed on our consciousness may be faulty.
  4. The programs advanced by prevailing institutions have not been sufficiently coherent, moral, and universal to orient humankind in a manner that inspires us to move forward together meaningfully, joyfully, and peacefully. Instead, the programs advanced have led and continue to lead to illusions, prejudices, self-limiting ideologies, and other forms of conceptual imprisonment that diminish us as individuals, separate us into warring camps, and perpetuate the endless cycle of misadventures, destruction, and despair that humankind endures.

I believe the combination of those observations leads us to the basic cause of humankind’s highly problematic existence – conceptual imprisonment. That important discovery prompts the question: Do we possess the wherewithal to (a) transcend illusions, prejudices, self-limiting ideologies, and other forms of conceptual imprisonment, (b) generate coherent, moral, and universal programs that will inspire us to move forward together meaningfully, joyfully, and peacefully, and (c) fulfill our best possibilities as individuals, as societies, and as a species?

My answer would be yes, if we were oriented in a manner that frees and empowers us to become aware of what is possible and what to demand of ourselves and of our institutions. Instead, the reality is that it has become natural for us to assimilate during our lifetime the combination of programs that are imposed on our consciousness by:

  • the schools we attend
  • governments                          
  • the religions we practice              
  • our family’s orientation     

We are not encouraged to question the fundamentals of their programs. Are they coherent, moral, and universal? Will they free and empower us to direct our life’s journey from our own point of view, rather than thoughtlessly follow their programs? Do their programs inspire us to become comprehensive, critical thinking, self-directed individuals?

Given this condition, not enough of us have been or will become aware of what is possible and what to demand of ourselves and of our institutions. Such lack of awareness does not bode well for the future. Not only would we fail to fulfill our best possibilities, the chances are, like all the other major civilizations that came before us, we will become just another failed one that had taken root and flowered for centuries, but eventually decayed.

S U G G E S T E D   N E X T: How We Can Transcend Conceptual Imprisonment

How We Can Transcend Conceptual Imprisonment

As I mentioned earlier, the programs advanced by prevailing institutions have led and continue to lead to illusions, prejudices, self-limiting ideologies, and other forms of conceptual imprisonment that diminish us as individuals, separate us into warring camps, and perpetuate the endless cycle of misadventures, destruction, and despair that humankind endures.   

The combination of our conceptual imprisonment and the egocentricity of our institutions suggests that the challenge humankind faces is systemic. As such, a fundamental shift in our consciousness is required, rather than tactical efforts to patch this or that part of the system.

I believe the shift in our consciousness should begin with an emphasis on empowering us as individuals to function as whole, critically-thinking, creative participants of the social process, rather than remaining imprisoned within a twilight zone of awareness in which we delude ourselves we are oriented and free in the mazaway. Accordingly, I do not think we should depend solely on our institutions to bring about a shift in our consciousness.

As such, we as individuals should be accepted as the true and authentic carriers of reality, not our institutions. Institutions do not generate new ideas and visions. They incorporate the new ideas and visions that individuals conceive and more often than not, fail to fulfill the promise of those ideas and visions. It is we who think, feel, intuit, imagine, create, and who possess a moral compass that enables us to navigate the mazeway. It is institutions that perpetuate prejudices, illusions, and self-limiting ideologies by programing each new generation to follow their prescriptions and proscriptions. The flaws within those prescriptions and proscriptions are not inherent within our being; they are taught to us.

When we understand that we are a reflection of our institutions and they are a reflection of us, we realize that our lack of an overview and of participation in the social process allows institutions to bureaucratize senselessly, consolidate power and control, and ultimately ossify, while we remain fragmented, alienated, and polarized. Once we gain this perspective and escape our conceptual imprisonment, we become more hopeful because we know that some combination of us has the wherewithal to generate an overarching vision of how we can move forward together more constructively.

What will enable us to gain an overarching vision of how we can move forward together more constructively is an Awakened Mind: an awareness of our habits of thinking which allows us to develop an orientation that seeks to question and challenge our conceptual imprisonment. In this way, we can pursue coherent, moral, and universal premises that encourage human flourishing both individually and collectively.

The state of humankind’s condition led me to: (a) formulate simple but powerful insights dedicated to discovering the basic cause of humankind’s highly problematic existence, (b) transcend conceptual imprisonment, and (c) how we can fulfill our best possibilities as individuals, as societies, and as a species. That framework encompasses three important subjects/courses: Life Mapping, Social Mapping and MetaVisioning.

Life Mapping is a process that frees and empowers us to direct our life’s journey from our own point of view, rather than thoughtlessly follow the prescriptions and proscriptions of prevailing institutions. 

Social Mapping  builds upon the clarity we gained about our self through the Life Mapping process by encouraging us to assemble a map of our opinions about great issues of our time. 

MetaVisioning is an illuminating process that broadens our perspective further by encouraging us to resolve coherent, moral, and universal premises upon which to build a coherent, moral, and universal vision of how humankind can move forward together meaningfully, joyfully and peacefully.

I believe, if we are to transcend the challenge of conceptual imprisonment and fulfill our best possibilities, we must add to systems of education processes dedicated to enlightening us to become (a) comprehensive, critical thinking, self-directed individuals, (b) free of illusions, prejudices, self-limiting ideologies, and other forms of conceptual imprisonment, and (c) oriented in a manner that is coherent, moral, and universal. The Life Mapping, Social Mapping and MetaVisioning courses were designed to do that.

S U G G E S T E D  N E X T : Life Mapping: Gaining Clarity About Our Identity