Life Mapping Syllabus

This course is designed to lead you through a process of self-exploration. Its goal is to enhance your understanding of yourself as a unique individual, member of society, and as part of the larger world so that you can orchestrate a more authentic, productive, and satisfying life. You will be encouraged to establish a safe vantage point from which to explore your values, beliefs, aspirations and purpose, as well as other parts of your Life Map, including a plan for further education, career path, lifestyle, partnering, and a financial plan. The course utilizes illuminating readings and questions that lead to lively discussions. Weekly, you will be encouraged to write your thoughts and feelings about one or two elements of the Life Map Template to facilitate the development of your own Life Map. You will also have the opportunity to explore the Life Maps of others when you access the Database of Life Maps.
Texts & Materials:
NAVIGATING THE MAZEWAY; Fulfilling Our Best Possibilities As Individuals and As a Society by Anthony J. Parrotto.
Additional resources will be provided.
Week 1: Introduction to The Mazeway
READING: Navigating The Mazeway, pages 1-12. And then, please access the website,, and read the Introduction.
Week 2: Identify Your Page Zero Premises and Summarize Your Values & Beliefs
READING: Navigating The Mazeway, pages 13-33. And then, access website,, and read the Our Life Map segment under the category, Life Mapping.
Week 3: Aspirations & Purpose
READING: Navigating The Mazeway, pages 35-45
HANDOUT: Ralph Waldo Emerson’s Self Reliance.
Week 4: Further Education
READING: Navigating The Mazeway, pages 49-54
ACCESS: Ken Robinson’s Ted Talk, “How To Escape Education’s Death Valley,” on the website,
Week 5: Describe Your Ideal Partner and Desired Lifestyle
READING the handout: Habits of the Heart: Pursuit of Happiness, by Robert Bellah.
Week 6: Define Your Personal Community and Define Your Role in the Larger Community
READING: Navigating The Mazeway, pages 75-85. And then, access website, and read the Our Social Map segment under the Social Mapping category.
Week 7: Organize a Financial Plan and Develop Body Wisdom
READING: Navigating The Mazeway, pages 115-133. And access website, and read the Our MetaMap segment under the MetaVisioning category.
HANDOUT: Excerpts from the book, The Body Ecology Guide To Growing Younger, by Donna Gates.
Week 8: Develop Your Emotional Intelligence
READING: Navigating The Mazeway, pages 133-145.
HANDOUT: Excerts from Daniel Goleman’s book, Emotional Intelligence.
Week 9: Develop Spiritual Intelligence
HANDOUT: Excerpts from Cindy Wigglesworth’s book, SQ 21: The Twenty-One Skills of Spiritual Intelligence.
Week 10: Develop Social Intelligence
READING: Navigating The Mazeway, pages 145-160.
HANDOUT: Excerts from Daniel Goleman’s book, Social Intelligence.
Week 11: Reflections about Life Mapping
• Finalize your Life Map and Course Evaluation.
SUGGESTED NEXT: Database of Life Maps