Fulfillment of Our Best Possibilities as Individuals, as Societies, and as a Species

The very positive feedback from a wide range of students increased my confidence in the Life Mapping, MetaVisioning, and Social Mapping processes.
I concluded that:
(a) the phenomenon of conceptual imprisonment can be understood; (b) that conceptual imprisonment can be transcended; and (c) that we have a good chance of fulfilling our best possibilities as individuals, as societies, and as a species.
Also, the open-ended, self-catalyzing, self-cleansing mapping and visioning processes will encourage us to work together to form groups and communities that show respect for one another’s individuality and for the cultural diversity of humankind. Genuine empathy that leads to civil, truth-seeking, social spaces within which we can more readily access our inherent moral and creative sensibilities – sensibilities that will help (a) unite rather than divide us into warring camps; (b) generate love, compassion, charity, and hope, rather than hatred, indifference, greed, and despair; and (c) realize that, however culturally diverse humans may be on this planet, we are one species of conscious beings on a developmental journey together in the mazeway.
Accordingly, I believe, if the three courses become an integral part of systems of imparting knowledge in the U.S.A. and abroad, it would soon be discovered that an emphasis on empowerment and freedom from illusions, prejudices, self-limiting ideologies, and other forms of conceptual imprisonment would lead to profound enlightenment and development of individuals in our society and beyond. We would be spawning a mental revolution and, ultimately, a global “we the people” social movement that will change our way of living in the world – a ground-up way that is creative, joyful, and peaceful — a way that would lead to the cure of humankind’s highly problematic existence.
As such, The Mazeway Project is moving forward with these goals in mind:
- Encourage colleges and universities worldwide to add the
Life Mapping, Social Mapping and MetaVisioning, processes to their curricula. - Get the mazeway courses taught as MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) that are advanced by 8oo universities, offering 9,400 courses, to 81 million students worldwide, for little or no tuition. When the mazeway courses begin to be taught as MOOCs, you and anyone else online here and abroad will be able to enroll. If the mazeway phenomenon generates high enrollment, it may free and empower enough participants to spread the word around the world about how to transcend conceptual imprisonment and humankind’s highly problematic existence.
- Collaborate with other individuals and institutions interested in the goals of The Mazeway Project.
I hope those goals are satisfied quickly because humankind is probably in a race against time. That is, unless we address the basic cause of humankind’s highly problematic existence, conceptual imprisonment, we will continue to endure a highly troublesome existence and run the risk of irreversible decline.
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