MetaVisioning: Broadening Our Perspective Further

Do we have the wherewithal to stop the endless cycle of misadventures, destruction, and despair by conceptualizing a coherent and moral vision of how we can move forward together creatively, joyfully, and peacefully?
I believe we can if we:
- Step back from the noise of modernity and beyond the confines of our specialty,
our social role, and convention. -
Place faith in our own moral compass, rather than submit thoughtlessly to the moral certainty of traditional programs.
Rely on science to distinguish truth from what is false, but appreciate that creativity
and new truth involve more than the reductive process of science.
We begin by asking overarching questions regarding humankind’s highly problematic existence. For example:
- Why has no major civilization in the history of humankind survived the test of time?
- How does a society adapt to change meaningfully, if the majority of leaders of prevailing institutions are dedicated to maintaining the status quo and their power and control, rather than dedicated to the best interests of humankind?
We discuss and record our thoughts and feelings about these and any other questions we think should be addressed, as much as possible in the classroom and with family, friends
and other people we encounter.
The primary goal of this initiative is to enhance our mind and heart, and of those with whom we have a dialogue to generate a MetaVision that is universal, global, imaginative, and enlightening.
The key to the process is for everyone to be curious and ask questions as much as possible without fear. Love among the participants will evolve because they realize everyone is doing his or her best to fulfill our best possibilities as individuals, as societies, and as a species. And, collaboratively move forward together meaningfully, joyfully, and peacefully.
The result is overcoming conceptual imprisonment and fulfilling our best possibilities as individuals, as societies, and as a species. The process leads us to our personal, open-ended MetaMap that allows us the freedom to modify our point of view, as we continue our developmental journey in the Mazeway.
S U G G E S T E D N E X T : Student Feedback or MetaVisioning Syllabus or Database of MetaMaps