Book Reviews

“I found Navigating the Mazeway to be deeply perceptive and informative in a wide range of academic fields. … In this undertaking the author has drawn upon an impressive range of intellectual, academic disciplines: historical, philosophical, psychological and sociological. Of particular importance for the book as a whole is the call to the reader to examine critically and to perceive fruitfully the nature, sources and range of one’s knowledge. … This book has the potential to contribute to students and scholars fresh and deeper understanding in the natural and social sciences, in art, literature, history, medicine and law. It provides insights for personal and group identity, and for perceiving the aims and values in one’s career.”
Howard Clark Kee, Ph.D. Professor of Religion Emeritus of Graduate Studies and Religion at Boston University and a Visiting Scholar at the University of Pennsylvania. He is the author of several acclaimed books, including The Beginnings of Christianity: An Introduction to the New Testament; and The Cambridge Companion to the Bible.
“What causes this book to stand out among the rest is that the author gently and creatively guides readers through ‘the Mazeway’ so that they actually discover their deepest and most authentic selves. With erudite scholarship, down-to-earth practicality, psychological sophistication, and a coherent moral compass, Mr. Parrotto guides seekers through the Mazeway so that they may reach their potential as human beings. Parrotto accomplishes in this ingenious book what our educational and societal institutions have not been able to. A visionary masterpiece that may be just what our civilization has been looking for.”
Judith S.Miller Ph.D. Adjunct Professor of Human Development at Columbia University, Teachers College. She is the author of Direct Connection: Transformation of Consciousness.
“Navigating the Mazeway is a remarkable call for us to move beyond narrow, technical reason and to think more broadly about the directions in which we are collectively moving. The book is written in plain language accessible to all. Most important, Parrotto’s templates for ‘Life Mapping’ and ‘Social Mapping’ provide valuable tools for us to reason together on the major issues of life.”
Douglas Porpora, Ph.D. Former Chairperson in the Department of Culture & Communications, College of Arts and Sciences at Drexel University. Author of Landscapes of the Soul: The Loss of Moral Meaning in American Life.
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